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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

An Indian Crisis - 1239 Words

An Indian Crisis Homo sapien sapiens are a breed unlike any other. These beings create complex tools, produce diverse languages, and develop the ability to laugh and smile in the womb (What Makes Us Human? 208). Although they lack the scaly defenses of reptiles and the sheer size of the dinosaurs which came before them, humans have survived for over two hundred thousand years (Howell 1). The reason they were able to survive stems largely from their evolved forms of communication and tools which elevated them to the top of the food chain. The only predator to the human became other humans. This became increasingly apparent after World War II and arguably the largest crime against humanity, the Holocaust. Humans created a set of rules to†¦show more content†¦Humans massacred fellow humans. In an effort to prevent a crime on such a scale ever again a group known as the United Nations created a document, â€Å"Universal Declaration of Human Rights†. The rights set forth i n this document attempt to protect all human beings. This declaration has provided a basis for what is ethical treatment of humans. All humans use these rights to determine if a person or group of persons is being mistreated. Among the first, and most basic, rights is the right to life, in which all people are given the right to live and not have the opportunity seized from them (â€Å"Universal Declaration of Human Rights† 11). Despite this being a normality in our culture, in India females are being killed solely based on their gender. In India it is a societal normality to routinely kill newborn daughters by drowning them, suffocating them, or neglecting to feed them (It s a Girl). One mother states in an interview that she has killed eight daughters in this manner (It s a Girl). Despite being more apt to survive in an environment when given equal resources as a male child, the female survival rate is rapidly declining in India (Srinivasan 5). The reason for this mass gendercide lies in the bases of Indian culture, specifically the Hindu faith (Female Infanticide 46-47). Women are not expected, or often times allowed, to work in

Monday, December 16, 2019

William Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice Essay

William Shakespeare s comedy The Merchant of Venice uses contrasting religions to draw out major themes through the ethnic divides that are exemplified. The play expresses the extreme cultural divide between the Jews and Christians through a legal contract between two men. The rivalry between the two men, Shylock and Antonio is clear from the beginning of the play and only intensifies as it continues on. Modern day readers most likely take away a slightly different message from the play than what was originally intended. However, his intended message is also further strengthened with the post World War II influences on the reader s thinking. Shakespeare’s play uses these ethnic rivalries to express thematic elements such as sacrifice and loss which are further impactful with the post holocaust lens that twentieth century readers use. Shakespeare begins by creating a very stereotypical, for the time, Jewish character. Shylock is a money lender, who, in the stereotypical Christian eye is seen as greedy for his policy of charging interest. He is criticized numerous times for this act of charging interest, and yet he responds with a clear conscience when Antonio berates him for it, saying,â€Å"You call me a misbeliever, cutthroat dog, and spit upon my Jewish gaberdine, and all for use of that which is mine own† (1.3.108-110) In this scene, Shylock expresses the conflict between Christians and Jews on a very personal level. The belief that the charging of interest is out ofShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice1320 Words   |  6 Pagesghetto, and were treated as inferior to the rest of the city. William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice exhibits the prejudicial attitudes of his era. Antonio, a Christian merchant, makes a deal with Shylock, a Jewish moneylender. Shylock us es it as an opportunity to exact revenge by demanding a pound of Antonio’s flesh if he does not meet his end of the bargain. By pitting the majority of his characters against Shylock, Shakespeare portrays Shylock in a way that discriminates against all JewsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice2269 Words   |  10 PagesSamantha Hansen ENG 314 Brother Brugger 12.15.14 The Question of Shylock It is hard to read The Merchant of Venice without finding at least one character to sympathize with. The unforgettable villain Shylock as well as Portia, Shakespeare’s first and one of his most famous heroines are arguably some of this plays most beloved characters. But, is Shylock really the villain? Or is he a victim of circumstance? Shylock’s insistence for a pound of flesh has made him one of literatures most memorableRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice1970 Words   |  8 Pagesthe titles are reflective of the protagonists featured within. For example, the famous titles of Julius Caesar and Hamlet tell the tragedies of those respective characters. However, when it comes to William Shakespeare’s fourteenth play, The Merchant of Venice, it can be argued that Antonio, the merchant, is not who the play is about. In fact, there is not just one character, but instead multiple that fit the description of the protagonist. The main plot, or rather p lots, of the play revolve aroundRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice1315 Words   |  6 PagesIn The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare the play is based upon the hierarchy between Christian men and Jewish men. A character by the name of Bassanio borrows money from his friend Antonio, and Antonio borrows the money from Shylock to give to Bassanio. Eventually, Antonio cannot pay the money back because his ships have supposedly sunk. Therefore, he comes close to death because he signed a bond with Shylock stating that Shylock would get a pound of his flesh if the bond was not repaidRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice1532 Words   |  7 Pagesuseless dialogue can make readers skip over what seems like a false beginning to a good story. But think about this: what if those seemingly lengthy, extra, useless words were actually important? For example, the opening 115 lines of William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice are provide minimal support to the story at first glance. In these lines, Antonio and his friends are discussing the dynamics of happiness and sadness in order to find the root of Antonio’s sad mood. This portion of the play givesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Merchant Of Venice988 Words   |  4 PagesAs I finished reading Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare, I realized that the struggle of the play gyrates around whether justice is truly served and is morality advocated or manipulated by those in authority. The struggle between the principles of justice have caused many readers to question the interaction between the definition of morality and justice. The bond that causes readers to take a closer look throughout the play originates from Shylock’s desire for vengeance and Antonio’s desireRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice1532 Words   |  7 Pagesfundamentalist Americans. The ills of money-lending from the Eastern perspective have been fodder for Western literature for centuries, replete with illustrations that mirror the differences and similarities in East-West cultural norms. In William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, money-lending has gone awry. In Act I, Scene iii, the Italian Antonio seeks to borrow 3,000 ducats from the Jewish Shylock, and Shylock intends to charge him interest, which is against Jewish economic-religious principles (BateRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice Essay1275 Words   |  6 PagesShakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice is so alike to our financially afflicted world. The rules of law and commerce are subject to deceptive manipulation, fear of the other overwhelms respect for a common humanity, duplicity is the norm, sexuality is a vehicle for ambition, and money drives and wraps almost every action. It is a classic tale that includes important details of the financial crisis in the Unit ed States during 2007-2009. Shakespeare’s Venice, like the New York of his time - and theRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice2059 Words   |  9 Pagesin The Merchant of Venice resembles a folktale known as â€Å"A Pound of Flesh† (325). Artese supports his supposition with background context and parallels between the two story lines. Literary versions of the pound of flesh story circulated during the sixteenth century and were collected since the nineteenth century because of the plot’s longevity and populairity Shakespeare would have been familiar with pound of flesh stories (326). Human commodification is a central issue in both The Merchant of VeniceRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice 1189 Words   |  5 PagesNikki Vietz Ms. Seibel Honors English 12 1 May 2015 Was Shakespeare Prejudice? The premise of William Shakespeare comedy, The Merchant of Venice, is the hostile relationship between Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, and Antonio, a Christian trader. The two gentlemen have a deep history of hatred due to personal injuries and Antonio’s refusal to collect interest on loans. This hatred comes to a climax when Antonio’s friend, Bassanio wishes to borrow three thousands ducats from Antonio so he can travel

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Question free essay sample

Referencing allows one to acknowledge the contribution of other writers and researchers within the name field of study or work. Referencing can be from various sources e. G. Books, published articles, journals, news paper articles and internet websites to name a few (Said, n. D. ). Any essay or assignment written by a university student or academic that draws ideas from other sources must contain citation. Citation is the form of in text referencing within the body of the assignment. The idea of referencing is to keep a student from plagiarism. Plagiarism is referred to as the passing of anothers idea as your own without giving due credit (Denmark Study Pack, 2010). Referencing is important for successful research and also for ones reader(s) so that they can see how and where the student conducted his research. Referencing is also a way to give credit to writers from whom one would have borrowed ideas. We will write a custom essay sample on Question or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is a form of respecting and acknowledging the intellectual rights of the researcher or writer.A student or academic has the right to draw from the many ideas, insights and arguments published by other writers and researchers over a number of years. All one simply has to do is acknowledge their contribution to the essay or assignment by form of referencing and/or citing the author. Referencing then helps the reader find the original source if they wish to get more clarity. Writing skills are a major role player within a students life mostly because it is the most open channel of communication between the students and the lectures, also giving the student an opportunity to impress his lecturer.If a student then masters the art of referencing, he would have intern mastered a critical writing skill. One should always reference their work as a measure to support his claims or arguments with authenticity. Http:// www. LLC. Nuns. Du. AU states that, by citing experts within a particular field of duty, one will be showing the lecture or marker that he is familiar and well versed with his field of operation. Multiple referencing also shows the reader or marker that the student would have done wide research and would have understood the topic in question.This will help the student attain better marks for the essay or assignment. Referencing is important again because it enables the student to plan his work and also to manage his time more efficiently. These attributes once gained, may also be implemented even in a setting that is not academic. A student also learns the art Of keeping records cause they will be keeping and maintaining records of references and reference lists. There are quite a number of referencing models that are widely used all over the world for the best and most efficient results.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Satan As An Epic Hero In Paradise Lost Religion Essay Essay Example

Satan As An Epic Hero In Paradise Lost Religion Essay Paper The greatest author after Shakespeare in 17 century is John Milton. John Milton ( 1608 -1674 ) was the most outstanding English poet, mind, and civil retainer for the Commonwealth of England. His chef-doeuvre Paradise Lost arouses hot arguments among bookmans since it appeared. In that epoch, England is a spiritual unsteady and political reorganization state. Refering about the destiny of his state, John Milton s poesy and prose all reflect deep verifications and trade with modern-day issues. After his decease, Milton s critical response on a province of personal businesss continued to do great influence towards the multitudes through the centuries. He is still by and large regarded as one of the singular authors and minds in English.Although he was born in a puritan household, John Milton boldly chose God and the devil Satan as the chief functions in his work. What s more, he endowed the latter 1 with heroic spirit which may put on the line everyone s disapprobation. Satan s opposit ion to God mirrors the radical and epic spirit of the middle class. While he eventually loses the joyful Eden and Adam and Eve lose the Eden. All these effects are the intimations of the capitalist category s failure and the feudalistic category s Restoration. We will write a custom essay sample on Satan As An Epic Hero In Paradise Lost Religion Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Satan As An Epic Hero In Paradise Lost Religion Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Satan As An Epic Hero In Paradise Lost Religion Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Can the Satan be an heroic poem hero? In John Milton s Paradise Lost- the great heroic poem from the English Renaissance, this subject was discussed clip and once more. Numbers of bookmans believe that Paradise lost should be one of the most outstanding merchandises of the Renaissance, particularly when speaking about the inquiry can the Satan be an heroic poem hero? For Milton s portion, Satan is audacious, quick-witted and powerful and he is besides an first-class leader. He is rather typical from the traditional heroes in many celebrated plants. In Paradise Lost, the Genesis narrative upon the corruptness of adult male was recreated by the writer, as a affair of fact, caused by Satan. For the interest of Satan s deathly defects of haughtiness and aspiration, he decided to contend with Heaven. In the terminal, even though he was defeated, he refused to give up his war against God, ever wagering to make incorrect against the Eden and the human existences wining with adult male s aut umn from grace. Paradise Lost starts, non with the expected possible heroes of the Genesis narratives, God or adult male, but it begins alternatively with Satan, hence paying great attending to him, his actions and features. Milton, introduce Satan by reprobating him as the ground leader to the autumn of adult male, Who foremost seduced them to that foul rebellion? /the infernal Snake ( 1.33-34 ) . in this sentence it implied that Satan had begun to be set up as the concluding Rebel, non merely of the heroic poem, but of humanity. Milton easy represented Satan s pride that led to his ultimate failure. He tried to subvert God ; while unfortunately he was cast into the Hell, but Milton besides told us, for now the thought/both of lost felicity and permanent pain/Torments him ( 1.55-56 ) . At one time, the writer tried to do Satan to be a pitied, more human and less evil function. He besides described Satan s physical character to be in majority as huge/as whom the fabrications name of monstrous size, / Titanian ( 1.196-198 ) , and so Deeming some island, ( 1.205 ) , which means that Satan has a huge figure and even a crewman would do a error. He may believe that Satan is an island on which he can berth his boat. Satan s size turning utmost larger comparing with the others supports Satan as the hero. Satan is so physically impressive that Milton ca nt happen anyone who can fit him. Hence he is typical from the other angels and work forces. In the English Renaissance, there s no uncertainty that John Milton s Paradise Lost was by and large regarded as the chief work. The Renaissance is believed to hold originated in Florence in the 14th century, in which there was a resurgence of involvement in the classical antiquity. Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio, but besides painters like Giotto were the of import figures of that age. From the terminal of the 15th century on, it has become known as the High Renaissance, when some Italian metropoliss started to vie with Florence upon the prima place. Therefore, the idea of Renaissance spread out from the early 16th century onwards. This resurgence and influence of classical civilization, art and literature was typically represented in both Paradise Lost and La Divine Commedia, particularly depicting the scene of the underworld. This is a general literary motive of the classical heroic poem plants. Inspired by all the literatures at that epoch, Milton decided to compose his heroic poem verse form. Milton had a intent of composing an heroic poem verse form upon a baronial capable decennaries before he started composing Eden Lost in 1658. In his celebrated work At a holiday Exercise in the College ( 1628 ) , he already mentioned that he would wish to give himself to singing in the mode of Homer and at the same clip, he envisioned composing a verse form refering wars and heaven under Jupiter . Notes and bill of exchanges from around 1640 include four bill of exchanges of projections of the autumn of adult male, one of them called Paradise Lost and another Adam unparadiz d. It took Milton about twenty old ages composing controversial prose and political booklets and he was a strong protagonist of autonomy of scruples, free will and human pick. The narrative itself shows that the autumn from Eden of Satan and the other angels who betrayed against God. As a affair of fact, the Renaissance humanitarianism can be easy found in this work. It rapidly developed during t he fourteenth and the beginning of the 15th century, and was besides a resonant response to the challenge of medieval scholastic instruction. It emphasized the practical, scientific and pre-professional surveies. On the contrary, sHYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scholasticism cholasticism wage much attending to cultivating the fixing work forces to be physicians, attorneies or professional theologists, and their topics contain logic, natural doctrine, medical specialty, jurisprudence and divinity, etc.. Opposite from the preparation professionals in slang and serious drill, humanists did all they could to make a people who was able to talk and compose with fluency and clarity. For this ground, they would be capable of carrying others to prosecute the civic life of their communities morally and make some cautious actions. Because Milton s work was profoundly influenced by the Classics, Paradise Lost can be classified as an heroic poem. Thankss to this chef-doeuvre, the poet Milton is still celebrated until now. Many bookmans believe that this work is one of the most outstanding merchandises of the Renaissance and peculiarly as to the subject can the Satan be an heroic poem hero? Satan in Milton s eyes was bold, resourceful and formidable and every bit good an first-class leader. When reading the work, after a few pages, the reader may so acquire the feeling that Satan is a great heroic poem hero of that age. Milton did non deny the truth of the bible so as to set up the freedom of the person. He built on the great Christian paradox which asserted that true freedom depended on the service for God. This pull the traditional idea into a new scene, even a radical scene, is Milton s great power. When talked about the purpose of the poet to compose this verse form, it was to happen the root of the homo s unfortunateness. For his portion, he believed the ground that human existences were easy to be swayed by their emotions, chose the incorrect manner and eventually lose their joyful Eden was for the interest of their weak ground and nervousnesss. The autumn of Eve was due to her purposelessness for happening new cognition. The autumn of Adam was due to his indulgence to Eve. The autumn of Satan was due to his great aspirations and complacency. Through their acrimonious experience, Milton wanted to connote that the English capitalist category s acrimonious loss was due to their moral corruptness and hot stuff. He inherited the humanitarianism in 16 century and at the same clip, accepted the new scientific accomplishment in 17 century. However, he held a critical attitude towards them. He confirmed life fast one but he denied the limitless pleasance. He confirmed endeavor and se nse of proud while he denied the aspirations and proud which evolve from them. He confirmed scientific discipline while he besides thought that scientific discipline did nt intend all. If people merely had scientific discipline but no ideal and justness, they would neer acquire peace and happy. Such sort of thought was the contemplation of his Puritanism. Milton criticized the proud Satan inside, while emotionally he sympathized Satan s position, because the penalty of Satan looks so much like the force per unit area of the capital category. When descried the snake pit, although Milton kept on stating that Satan was proud, ambitious, from the duologues, Satan was merely a vivid oppressed radical. This image was so glorious, and his contending finding stood out brilliantly against the utmost unsafe snake pit. This was the unerasable memory of English middle class, besides a outstanding art accomplishment. Satan was a function who had important obstructions to get the better of in order to recognize his ends. In the historical long river, heroic poem heroes in heroic poesy shared some similar features, therefore it seems like Milton felt his ain responsibility to do Satan to be the heroic poem hero in Paradise Lost. His features in the verse form shared some similarities with those of old heroic poem heroes such as Odysseus. Epic heroes have some similitude. They are rather powerful, weather, and convincing ; no affair what odds are against them, they will acquire rid of the troubles and achieve their ends, and most of import of all, they are leaders. Actually, Satan possesses of such sort of the qualities in Paradise Lost. First of all, in the first beginning, Satan had lost the war he fight against God and the angels in Eden and was chained on the firing lake . Satan and his fellow Rebel angels were banished to populate in horrid homes. Milton described the uncomfortableness of sna ke pit mentioned by Satan Oh how unlike the topographic point from whence they fell! There the comrades of his autumn, overwhelmed with inundations and whirlwinds of stormy fire ( 1.97 ) . This shows that Satan met with of import obstructions as most heroic heroes encounter. Satan was powerful and big in size which normally personifies heroic poem heroes. Lay drifting many a crucifix, in majority every bit immense as whom the fabrications name of monstrous size, Titanian or Earth-born, which warred on Jove ( 1.95 ) . A Milton shows that Satan was besides the contemplation of courage and leading because Satan, although presently in animadversion, still upholds his rules that enlisted him in snake pit in the first topographic point. He says all is non lost the unconquerable will, and survey of retaliation, immortal hatred, and bravery neer to subject or give: And what is else non to be overcome? That glorification neer shall his wrath or might extort from me ( 1.106-111 ) . The nucleus of Satan s gallantry in this verse form is that though that he would contend against all the odds, he was still in favour of his ain beliefs and fought till the terminal to continue his beliefs. He says We shall be free ; the Almighty hath non built Here for his enviousness, will non drive us hence: Here we may reign secure ; and, in my pick, to reign is deserving aspiration, though in Hell: Better to reign in the Hell than serve in Heaven ( 1.259-263 ) . Satan and his Rebel angels achieve the political orientation which was As being the reverse to His high with whom we resist. If so His Providence, Out of our evil seek to convey away good, Our labour must be to corrupt that terminal, And out of good still to happen agencies of immorality ( 1.161-165 ) . Satan inspired the openly resistance to God and uprooted the passion of his followings to go on their rage of detrimental God. All he his followings were persuaded during his address Can do a Heaven of Hell, and a Hell of Heaven ( 1.255 ) . Satan and his disciples wanted no parts of Heaven any more because they could nt bear to service for God any longer. Therefore they were inexorable about making their ain Kingdom in snake pit where they would name God s cherished world up. All in all, the features of Satan and his actions corporately made him the rival of the heroic poem hero function in Paradise Lost. A Milton portrayed Satan as a vengeful, manipulative, trickish, lying, and barbarous person. Nevertheless, Milton besides showed Satan s trueness to the aim that he and the rebellious angels were prosecuting. But first of all, allow s get down with Satin s vindictive ways. To get down with, Satan was seen as vengeful because even though he d already been punished and thrown to the cavities of snake pit from Eden, he still remains house in his rebellion of the Almighty and seeks to damage heaven. Satan and his components s malignity was so obvious in their determination that they would nt assail Heaven through war, but attack the newest creative activity of God, Man. Satan volunteered his services to score them to our party, that their God May turn out their enemy, and with atoning manus Abolish his ain plant. This would excel Common retaliation, and disrupt his joy ( 2.-371 ) . Besides, Satan was manipulative and trickish because to foster his mission of scoring and perverting adult male on Earth, he had to plan a perfect method to come in the gate of Earth, and therefore he casts to alter his proper form which else might work him danger or detain: and now a adolescent Cherub he appears ( 634-636 ) . In an effort to darnel and pull strings the guard Uriel, Satan transformed into a cherub which is a meekly ranked angel in Eden. From this we can happen that he is rather a intriguing person. What s more, Satan demonstrated the Acts of the Apostless of lying and fraudulence when he corrupted Eve s head in the Garden of Eden and persuaded her to pick the fruit from the out tree of cognition. He transformed himself one time once more into a serpent, and instigated Eve that she could eat from the tree of cognition. So glistered the desperate Snake, and into fraud Led Eve, our credulous female parent, to the tree of prohibition, root of all our suffering ( 10.643-645 ) . All of these actions- prevarication, use, fraudulence, and the hazards committed by Satan demo his trueness to the intent. For the interest of destructing world merely to rag God vastly shows his trueness and part. Milton clearly emphasizes the character of Satan through his high elaborate recounts of Satan s mischievousness. Satan had become a by any agencies type of attitude when it came to pleading his award and continuing his beliefs which led to the misrepresentation, use, and lying that he was ill-famed for throughout Paradise Lost. He was the heroic poem hero in the narrative because in this narrative he was the underdog. No 1 expected for him to be to the full winning in his shows, and while he might non to the full accomplished all ends. It was proved that he was house in his secret plan against God. In the drumhead portion, Milton expressed the differences between human existences and Satan. Different from Satan and his followings, Adam and Eve did nt take a destructive gamble. Adversely, they kept a hopeful and low behaviour. Adam even assimilated himself to the perversive archangel stating that his hurting was neer earlier and neer once more. Nevertheless, the biggest difference was when they faced with the possible picks, human existences chose hope while Satan chose a gaming retaliation. An indispensable construct here was that old life was doomed. John Milton rather opposed this thought. He was strongly in favour of the free willingness. As the secret plan spread, the differentiations between human and Satan bit by bit expressed. Adam and Eve denied the sentiment of Satan that all people should drop with ignorance, and they decided to be submissive to God under his agreement. Different from Satan s finding to avenge on all the profaned divinities, people chose to be peaceab le to the omnipotent God. Satan could nt perfectly repent and repair his ways or pray for forgiveness in such a despairing status. Although he was house, he was defeated by the holy boy who was bestowed the spirit and power by God. No affair whether we were in favour of Satan and his military personnels forfeit or human existences concluding entry, Milton insisted on the terminal determination of the interior bosom throughout. In malice of failure, Satan was to the full confident that he could nt assist confronting with such status. And that Adam and Eve knew their happy Eden had been lost, so they hope to see it as a kingdom which their psyche could get. They hoped that their spirit could populate here. Though won the war and be called the victor , the holy boy did nt see the transition or escapade like other characters. Although the revolution was a failure, the revolutionists were bloodily suppressed ; Milton s radical combat would neer be deducted. To convey this subject, the devout believer Milton described God as a cruel feudal monarchy and a blinkered autocrat at all cost so that he could touch to the barbarous repression to the Puritans of Charlie a†¦? at that black age. The greatest opposition and the most barbarous Satan Satan was fashioned into a handsome, tall and smart radical leader for the interest of singing the congratulationss of revolutionists. Satan s rebellion was put down by God, and the Satan party was thrown into the fire lake for agonies ; nevertheless, Satan neer loses his combat will, he was adversely active to form his ain force and waited for lifting from the ashes. He built his ain castle as a new land in the snake pit and openly content against God. He preferred being the male monarch in the snake pit to subjecting to God as an functionary in the Eden. From this we can happen his tireless contending spirit towards the God, the authorization and the highest dictator. The writer borrowed the image of Satan to show his ain choler and disdain towards the feudal autocrat Charlie a†¦? and his house assurance towards the radical success. Thankss to his radical passion, his Satan was full of sound and colour and surpassed his God morally. The hero of this verse form is a adult male named Satan who is banished for disputing the leading of the kin. This adult male Satan makes a vow to destruct or pervert anything created by the kin. This Satan was resourceful, doing the best of what he had, really small, and carry throughing his end. Satan may merely be the Nonconformist who could nt stay by what was considered normal. In any instance one must demo their esteem for Satan in his involuntariness to function in Heaven, and so in the manner he accepted his ensuing function in Hell. Although it was rather difficult to turn out who the existent hero was in Paradise Lost, as a whole, sprit-internal perfect, intelligent independency and single power in this masterpiece give people the comprehensive epic virtuousness . Fundamentally, Milton abandoned the whole heroic poem construct in this work and changed it into an experience of immediate concern to himself. This experience was nt his flattery to his civilization and beliefs, but a existent opportunity for readers religious pattern. No affair how painful a individual is, John Milton s Paradise Lost will wake up him up after sing such a religious trip and change over the intangible inkiness into wholesome consciousness and bright head. Peoples may state that Milton battle for republic signifier of authorities and exposed Satan. While from his disapprobation to Satan s audacity and unfaithfulness, more than one time expose the false faces and insincere attitude of English middle class militants. Yet Satan s fearl ess exalted quality, to a big extent, eulogized his cotemporaries heroic dauntless spirit.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Discuss Role Of Rewards And Performance Tourism Essays

Discuss Role Of Rewards And Performance Tourism Essays Discuss Role Of Rewards And Performance Tourism Essay Discuss Role Of Rewards And Performance Tourism Essay Overview of Hotel Industry Tourism growing since 2005 until 2011. With it demand for adjustment are high particularly hotels within shopping promenade. Since hotel growing non merely 5 stars luxury resorts besides hotels within shopping promenade where it aim visitants short stay who want easiness of shopping where it supply nutrient and drink installations such as eating house, fast nutrient service with sensible rates. Hotels in metropolis promenades recent tendency turning 1Borneo KK Times Square Waterfront Warisan Square South Chinese Sea Place Demand for employees continue to lift in peculiar proviso of quality service. If we consider occupancy degree are high so occupation public presentation is clearly an of import issue. In other word, occupation public presentation possibly the factor which provides competitory advantage for these issues. Discuss function of Rewards and Performance- The wages either can impact public presentation is a major issue in an organisation. Employees whether they are bluish neckband or white collar worker are motivated by wagess. It is a challenge for organisation to actuate employees to remain on the occupation and increase their public presentation. Human resource director s is to help general director in maintaining employees satisfied with their occupations. If the wages do non actuate employee, employee will diminish their public presentation or quit for the occupation. This phenomenon peculiarly happens in developed states ( Petcharak, 2002 ) . If director understand employees demands and supply the suited motivational attack, employees will fit their end with the organisation end and they will increase their attempt or work hard for the organisation. As a consequence, employee get wagess and organisation will be more successful ( Petcharak, 2002 ) . Danish ( 2010 ) position that if an employee performs successfully, it leads organisation to honor employee and as a consequence motivational factor of employees prevarications in their public presentation. Majority of organisation require their employees to work harmonizing to the regulations every bit good as occupation demand. However, the thing that it may accomplish is by honoring employees. The extremely motivated employees serve as a competitory advantage for organisation because their public presentation leads an organisation to well achievement of its end. Rewards play a critical in finding the important public presentation in occupation and it is positively associated with the procedure of motive. In general footings wagess plans come from the construct of compensation schemes which define as the calculated use of the wage system as an indispensable integration mechanism through which the attempts of assorted sub units or persons are directed towards the accomplishment of an organisation s strategic aims . It was a direction tool which it is efficaciously influence employee behaviour. All concern use wages to promote high degree of public presentation. So, there is an mutuality relationship between organisational public presentation and employee public presentation ( Ali and Ahmed, 2009 ) . Dieleman M, Viet Cuong P, Vu Anh L, Martineau T ( 2003 ) stated that to supply good quality of service, it is of import to develop schemes which influence staff motive for better public presentation. The most common schemes to act upon staff motive towards public presentation are by honoring them. Compensations systems play a critical function in act uponing organisational public presentation. Service industries are particularly dependent on worlds to present high quality services. Therefore, HR patterns that aid the hiring and keeping of quality employees is of strategic importance. Appropriately intentional wage systems motivate public presentation, aid pull and retain employees, and is considered to be a nucleus component of any employer-employee relationship ( Wah, 2000 ; Bloom and Milkovich, 1996 ) . Baum et Al. ( 1997 ) indicated that in the touristry and cordial reception industries direct and indirect compensation is really of import to engaging and retaining quality employees. McCaffery ( 1989 ) examined the impact of indirect compensation on organisational public presentation and suggested that it is of import to incorporate compensation programs with organisational scheme. Shields ( 2007 ) give a item definition on public presentation. He province that employee provide work inputs such as cognition, accomplishments, abilities and attitudes apply attempt or work behaviour to bring forth a certain measure of goods or services of a certain quality and certain period. However, public presentation non merely base on single public presentation but besides group public presentation and organisational public presentation. Performance is a portion of a map on ability and motive, therefore occupation public presentation is as follow. Job performance= degree Fahrenheit ( ability ) ( motive ) Beginning: Sabnam and Rubab ( 2007 ) Ability is depends on instruction, experience and preparation and its betterment is slow and takes clip. However, motive can be improve rapidly. Level of public presentation is frequently increasing map on the sum of motive. Sabnam and Rubab ( 2007 ) pointed that public presentation addition consequence to an addition in wages in order to acquire successful public presentation. So, it should actuate employee by honoring them at a sensible degree so that the public presentation can keep or heighten public presentation. 1.2 Problem Statement The job statement in this survey is How does a non-monetary wages influence the public presentation of the employee in hotel sector? This job statement ensuing from the issues discuss base on old literature. Wagess might play a important function. Wagess cover two portion which are pecuniary and non-monetary. This research examines the relationship between non-monetary wagess and occupation public presentation of employees at hotel sector. Harmonizing to Pfeffer, J. ( 1998 ) , reward are defined as something that increases the frequence of employee action. In other words, when an employee is given reward, the organisation in hotel industry will expected that the employee will prosecute in new behaviours and produce better consequences which describe as occupation public presentation. The intent of non-monetary wagess is to honor employees for first-class occupation public presentation through chances. Non-monetary inducements include flexible work hours, preparation, pleasant work environment and occupation satisfaction. A balance between pecuniary and non-monetary wagess should be used to fulfill the diverse demands and involvements of the employees. Non-monetary inducements vary in their functions, effectivity, and appropriateness, depending on the type of inducement ( Alfie Kohn, 1993 ) . Assorted sort of non-monetary wagess can be really effectual incentives if the hotel industry activate people s demands and desires or related to employees ground for working. One of the jobs is that what motivates one individual leaves another indifferent, yet to handle people reasonably will necessitate to honor with equal value for equal public presentation ( John R. Walker and Jack E. Miller, 2010 ) . These methods of triping motive Begin with carrot rule of swinging wages for good public presentation. It demonstrates about people need or wants for the wages will act upon the employee to work hard in outlook of acquiring it. If the employees do now desire the carrot, it has no consequence. The employees need to hold motive which activates the desire by the outlook of wages. Motive can be known as human being demands and desires ( Shahid an d Chavakkad, 2009 ) . Herzberg theory point out factors of motive which is actuating factors such as position, acknowledgment, publicity, a sense of personal accomplishment and personal growing ( Agomo, 2008 ) . The motive theories acknowledge the direct nexus between a worker s public presentation and motive. These theories offer some guideline for planing wagess either fiscal wagess or nonfinancial wagess to actuate employees in order to increase public presentation. Organization should offer different inducement to employee with the intent of motivate them. Based on Tom Baum ( 2006 ) , the chief drawback, in the eyes of employees that works in hotel sector are long and hard hours, many occupation are soiled and on pess a batch. Staff wages in the hotel industry is normally related with concern theoretical account of Service Profit Chain by Heskett, et Al ( 1997 ) . Net income made by the hotel industry is related to client trueness which is end point of client satisfaction. Satisfaction is influenced by the value of services provided by hotel employees. Therefore, if the employees are motivated by the wages given, they will in bend provide good service towards the hotel invitees. Basically, the survey can assist the hotel direction to understand and place what types of wages non-monetary wagess that truly boosts up the public presentation of the employees. In other words, the survey will assist the hotel direction to make more effectual types of non-monetary wages which reflect them to work more efficient and effectual in their service toward hotel invitee. The survey besides helps the top direction to look at whether the wages system satisfied the employees in order to keep their occupation public presenta tion every bit good as the overall organisation s public presentation. 1.3 Research Questions Overall aims of the survey are to analyze the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. The research inquiries are done so that it guides to make the aims of the survey. Basically, this survey effort to reply these three inquiries so that it reach the aims in the research. Is there a important relationship between publicity and occupation public presentation amongst employees of hotels located within shopping promenades? Is there a important relationship between acknowledgment and occupation public presentation amongst employees of hotels located within shopping promenades? Is there a important relationship between preparation and development and occupation public presentation amongst employees of hotels located within shopping promenades? 1.4 Aims of the Study From above literature, this survey is conducted to accomplish few aims from the point of position of hotel direction to assist to happen the suited solution in supplying non- pecuniary wagess in order to develop better occupation public presentation among hotel employees. For the intent of this survey, it is really of import to look at the relationship between occupation public presentations with non-monetary wagess. Hence, the aims of the research are as follows: To look into whether there is a important relationship between publicity and occupation public presentation amongst employees of hotels located within shopping promenades. To look into whether there is a important relationship between acknowledgment and occupation public presentation amongst employees of hotels located within shopping promenades. To look into whether there is a important relationship between preparation and development and occupation public presentation amongst employees of hotels located within shopping promenades. 1.5 Scope of Study The range of this survey is limited to employees employed in hotels located within shopping promenades in Kota Kinabalu. Even though hotel concern consists of activities like loosen uping and pleasance, Eisenhardt ( 1989 ) had stated that wagess represent of import mechanisms by which employee behaviours can be aligned with the involvements of the organisation. By carry oning this survey, random employees will administer with questionnaire and acquire the consequence for this research. 1.6 Significance of the survey Theoretical will lend to literature on hotel employees and occupation public presentation. Practical it cover new angle. Operational Definition of Variables 1.7 Organization of the Study Chapter one has provided an overview of the survey which includes the job statement, research inquiries, the range and aims of the survey and the significance of the subject chosen. Chapter two covers the literature on the topic being studied. It looks into past research on the topic of wages and public presentation. It besides covers other variables such as fillip, rewards, interesting occupation and acknowledgment that would act upon hotel employee s public presentation. Chapter three outlines the theoretical model and the research methodological analysis that is used in the survey. It includes the type of the survey, research design, unit of analysis and measuring, population sample, informations aggregation and informations analysis methods. Chapter four is concerned with the informations analysis and findings of the survey. This chapter presents the respondents profile ; and the treatment of the findings on this survey. Chapter five is the concluding chapter, which recapitulate the determination, and provided the treatment and recommendations based on the findings of the survey. This chapter besides highlights the restrictions of the survey and offers some suggestions for future research.

Friday, November 22, 2019

My Experience Scoring a Kindle Scout Book Deal Keith Yocum

My Experience Scoring a Kindle Scout Book Deal Keith Yocum My Experience Scoring a Kindle Scout Book Deal In 2016, Keith Yocum entered his latest novel into the Kindle Scout program. His novel was selected for the 30-day campaign, and then picked for publication by Kindle Press - all to Keith's own surprise. In this guest post, Keith tells us about his Kindle Scout experience, and the not-so-secret recipe to his success with the program.I am a writer who has toiled for many years in journalism. During this time, I did everything from starting a newspaper from scratch, writing a weekly column for four years straight, to working for a major daily newspaper. It’s been a terrific career and I’ve enjoyed all of it, even the late nights and crushing deadlines. Well, maybe not the deadlines. Still, after the thousands - millions? - of words I’d written and edited, there was one driving passion that went unfulfilled. I wanted to write a novel. Or two.Thirteen years later, I have self-published two novels and last year landed a publishing deal with Amazon after entering my third book, Color of Blood, into the Kindle Scout program.What is Kindle Scout?Kindle Scout is a program for unpublished manuscripts that combines crowdsourcing with editorial curation. It's fairly simple: you need an unpublished manuscript, a completed book cover, a brief "one-liner" about the book, and a book description of 500 characters or less.After submitting to Kindle Scout you wait to see if your manuscript will be selected for the program. This process is a little mysterious, as writers don't precisely know what criteria are used to gauge whether a title is worthy of inclusion. If picked for the program, your book is given exposure for 30 days on the Kindle Scout homepage. Writers are then responsible for reaching out to their networks and requesting they vote for their book.However, I had something different in mind for Color of Blood. Together, we went back to the drawing board and decided the cover should incorporate a type of Australian Aboriginal hand art - as this r eflects a key scene in the novel. Stewart found the art and created a cover I was very pleased with, making tweaks and changes I requested up until the last minute. In the end, he was able to design a cover that stood out, but still grabbed the attention of readers looking to read a thriller.Working with copy editor Jessica PeriniDue to the fact that half of my novel is set in Australia, I was excited to see Australian copyeditors on the Reedsy marketplace. While my mother was Australian,  and I had visited many times, it was important to me that a local ensure the descriptions and language were authentic. I chose Jessica Perini and we worked well together; her copyediting was quick, professional and helpful. I did not expect to sell many copies in Australia, but if someone Down Under did read it, I wanted the manuscript to hold up - and I’m confident now that it will.How being picked for Kindle Scout affected the sales and success of my bookThe speed of reviews and sales for Color of Blood has been pretty amazing with Scout backing it. To put it into perspective: I published my debut indie novel Daniel in 2009. Eight years later, Daniel has 107 Amazon verified reviews and a 4.3 average star rating.After only one year since Amazon published Color of Blood, it has 91 verified reviews and a 4.1 average star rating. I earned back my advance from Kindle Press in just three months, and have sold thousands of copies. In general, the Scout experience has been terrific.In terms of whether I will continue entering my novels into the Scout Program: I’m on the fence. Color of Blood is a trilogy and other authors have said that it’s often quite difficult to have a series of books selected for the program. And since  self-publishing on Amazon  is such a simple process, I may just go that route instead. That being said, if I do submit another book to Kindle Scout, I will put the valuable learnings this first experience has taught me to use.Tips f or authors entering the Kindle Scout programBook covers are absolutely critical to marketing your title in a very crowded marketplace. So make sure you hire a professional to design yours. This isn’t a tip, it’s a must. Also spend time working on your book descriptions and marketing summaries - working with a professional here doesn’t hurt either. I’m reluctant to admit it, but publishing is a business with clear methods of success, including genre-specific narrative structure and clean, purposeful writing. There were reportedly half-a-million self-published books last year, so standing out from the crowd is key for any writer, and that means using professionals to help. Hiring a professional cover designer isn’t a tip, it’s a must. In this respect, I have to take my hat off to the folks at Reedsy for making my work more marketable and collaborative. There are some great professionals there ready to be found.Color of Blood is available in paperback and on Amazon Kindle.For more information, visit Keith Yocum's website.Please  share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for Keith Yocum, in the comments below!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

STRUCTURAL DESIGN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

STRUCTURAL DESIGN - Essay Example Proper engineering design is required for all structural work as inferior designs have resulted to many catastrophic accidents such as the collapse of buildings, bridges underground tunnels, roofs and other structures. These collapse lead to heavy loses in terms of materials, finances and loss of lives. It is therefore important to consider all aspects of a building especially in terms of applied loads so as to design a sufficient structure to resist these forces. There are many design consideration that must be taken into account when designing the structural details of any building. After the structural design, the buildings are then constructed. There are many types of materials that are used in the building construction industry. Some of the most common construction material includes wood, steel/iron, masonry and concrete. Plastics are now gaining importance in building and construction especially for interiors design or supporting at points where minimum load resistance is required. The foundation: this structural element supports the whole building. It carries the whole load of the building and distributes the stress to soil or rock layer beneath it. The foundation must be well constructed in order to aid in support of whole structure. Most of the foundation elements are made using reinforced concrete, metal or Masonry. Concrete is highly preferred due to it durability and ability to withstand heavy compressive forces. The type of foundation is greatly determined by type of soil, the size of the building, ground water present and other special design considerations. Some of the common types of foundations include; Different foundations have got different footings. The type, size and materials used for construction of the footing depend upon the type of soil and the load bearing capacity of that soil. The main types of footing commonly used include; The main structural elements used for most of the floors are

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business functions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business functions - Essay Example They become partners for running the business efficiently. For starting a partnership business all the partners needs to sign different legal agreements. By this the partners contributes money, divides profit and design different business operation or activities which will be under their control. Partnership business can be of medium size or big. The owners of this business are not personally liable for any business losses or credit. Private limited company or business is a voluntary organization. This type of business can have more than one owner but not more than fifty. This business has proper legal existences. For starting a private limited company the owners have to undergo through different legal formalities. The business has to be registered under company act. Shareholders of these companies are its owners. For performing its business activities private limited company has to follow different legal rules and regulation of the country where it is operating its business. The company whose shares are sold and purchased in stock market is known as public limited company. Any people can purchase and sell share of public limited company. This type of company strictly follows legal rules and regulations of business. The company needs to disclose its financial position to its investors for determining the value of its shares. Public limited company can or cannot be listed in stock exchange. Many people are the owners of this type of company. In unlimited liability business, the owner of company has unlimited liability of all debts and credits of business. Another name of unlimited liability company is private unlimited company. It is hybrid type of business which can be run with or without share capital. The shareholders of unlimited liability company have too many non limited obligations for meeting business requirements. The partners or shareholders of this company accept all these unlimited liabilities to avoid double taxation

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Physics in sports Essay Example for Free

Physics in sports Essay When many people think of sports, the topic of physics doesnt always come to mind. They usually dont think about connecting athletics with academics. In reality math, science, and especially physics, tie into every aspect of sports. Sports are a commonality that brings nations together, Soccer, known as football to most of the world, is said to an unspoken language, which unties people from different lands through a passion to play a game. Athletics and sports are made by the people who play, watch, and study them. Without all of the enthusiastic participants, there would be no development, education, and intensity that we all know and love about sports. The one component that reigns over the world of sports that most people dont realize is physics, Gravity, uniform circular motion, projectile motion, and constant acceleration are a few that occur in every sport event that has ever taken place. In the three articles that I chose to write about the concepts of physics are explained in each one. In every article there is the similarity that physics and technology are the reasons for the advances in the sports. In the first article it is evident by the statement, High-tech bats have so enhanced players power that some leagues have taken to limiting the number of home runs a team can hit. (Jay Greene 2,3) Even in the second article with the statement, The higher we can get the COR, the faster the ball would shoot off from the collision ? it would go further. (Coefficient of Restitution 2,1) Lastly in the third article when the author stated, Clearly, pole-vaulting is an example of a sport in which technology has been used to improve athletic performance. (The Physics of pole-vaulting ) Without physics these technological advances could not be made. Although these technological advances dont come without some issues attached. With the new technology of the carbon and fiberglass bats, questions can be asked like, is there a point where advancements have gone too far? If bats are continuing to be modified and made to hit the ball farther, what will happen to the game of baseball? Already some bats are being banned from leagues and players feel they have to take more safety precautions because of the potential injury from the ball speed. I really believe that the bat industry will continue to thrive. As long as there are people out there willing to spend 300 dollars on an illegal bat there is money to be made. As for the golf industry there is the issue of everybody wanting to hit the ball farther, and the golf companies keep putting out new clubs that allow this to be possible. So I really think that the golf companies will continue to hover around the upper limit COR of . 83 for drivers because there is still a really high demand for drivers that hit the ball a long way. For pole-vaulting I see no issue in the near future. It will be exciting to see the new advances made to the poles and to see how high the athletes can get. As for the new sciences in the three articles I really learned a lot. I learned what the trampoline effect was and how it ties into more than just one sport. I learned what the coefficient of restitution was and how it affects the flight of a golf ball. I also learned what strain energy was and how it applies to stored energy. But most importantly I think, is that I learned that without the understanding of physics none of these sports would be organized or be able to make the advances that it has over the years. When it comes down to it everybody is affected by physics in sports. If there are rules and regulations put on products then the producers are affected greatly. The consumers are always affected by what the producers put out for them to have. If they are educated on the physics of the sport then they can make the best possible decision when it comes to picking a product. This also affects scientists; its their jobs to find ways to make the product better, in any way possible by using physics. Lastly if you are just a fan of sports it is more exciting to see the best possible entertainment, and the new technology allows for this. Looking at physics in sports and who is affected by it, its obvious to see that there is a cycle. All of the groups are linked together in one way or another. With the new technology that physics in sports allows, there are many ways that the physical science can be utilized by todays society. Giving a specific example, Baseball is Americas favorite pastime. The studies that are being done on the physics involved in baseball can greatly help the players and thus create a better sport for people to go out and watch. Baseball is a large part of our society, just like any other sport. And the knowledge of the physics involved can help make it a better sport. Staying with baseball, physical science could be utilized by the players if they study the pitcher and see if he gives certain hints that could give away what type of pitch he is throwing such as facial expressions or body movements. This would allow them more time to begin the swing and concentrate more on where the ball might end up instead of what type of pitch is coming. In general though athletes could utilize physical science. While many athletes already know how to fling a baseball, the information could be utilized to make better bats that have a larger sweet spot and also break less. Society in general could benefit because almost all things are flexible and thus have waves and vibrations. This information could be used to make roads and bridges sturdier. On the other hand though it is possible that physical science could affect society in a negative way. If scientists continue to develop new products and technology pretty soon some the world will be run by electronics and gadgets. People could lose their jobs to robots and sports would lose its competitiveness because the technology would be so advanced everybody would have and edge and skill would not shine through. All that is a stretch though, in general I believe that physical science is great for the community and there are many positive ways it can be used by todays society, not only in sports but also in everyday life. In the future I truly see all of the industries discussed in my articles thriving. There is such a high demand for sports and people trying to get any competitive advantage possible that the future looks bright. The baseball bat industry in the long run wont suffer from the new stipulation put on some of their products. Consumers will continue to buy the new bats that the bat companies put out no matter how high-tech they get. As for the golf industry I believe that it will continue to flourish even with the coefficient of restitution controversy. I dont think the USGA will budge on the . 83 upper limit for the COR of a driver on the PGA Tour but manufacturers will find a way to continue to put out new products that hit.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Call to Dinner Essay -- Art, George Agnew Reid

The Call to Dinner was painted from 1886 to 1887 by George Agnew Reid. The painting is an oil on canvas and is large scale, measuring 48 inches in height and 71 inches in length. Reid’s paintings were often large and it was said â€Å"one canvas could dominate a room crowded with people.† Early in his artistic career, Reid became known for his genre scenes. Genre painting depicts scenes from everyday life. In The Call to Dinner, the use of oil paint allows Reid to emphasize the principles of genre painting while permitting the enhancement of realism and naturalism within the composition. In oil painting, ground pigment is mixed with linseed or walnut oil. The oil creates a smooth sheen over the surface of the painting. Finished in 1887, it is most likely that linseed oil was used as a base for the pigment due to the limited amount of cracking seen today. The benefits presented by oil paint include a slow drying time, which allows for increased flexibility and subtly in colour mixing and blending. Also, oil paint can be applied thicker than other mediums, such as tempera. The focal point of the scene is the woman calling out into the distance. The subject of the painting appears to stand in arrested motion. The lips of the woman appear parted suggesting the action of speech. The woman is depicted wearing a greyish-blue dress, white apron, red scarf and a straw hat. The woman is holding the brim of her hat with her left hand, indicating the potential force of wind on the figures within the scene. Her hat is painted in fine detail. Reid uses short, thick brush strokes to imitate the weaves of the hat, creating realistic texture. The building up of consistent layers of oil paint creates the porcelain like texture of the woman’s s... ...n the painting is a darker tone of blue, whereas closer to the paintings linear horizon, the blue changes to a lighter, almost white hue. The formal properties of The Call to Dinner by George Agnew Reid contribute to the successfulness of the genre scene and assist in finding meaning within the painting. Through the benefits of oil paint, Reid is able to achieve a high level of realism and naturalism in The Call to Dinner. The versatility of the medium allows the artist to enhance all details and elements within a painting and present a realistic reflection of everyday life. Naturalism in movement is heightened by the medium’s ability to subtly blend. Textural elements, replicating the forms of reality, are created through the adaptability of oil on canvas. The formal properties of the medium allow the artist to shed light on a single moment in rural life.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Land Degradation and Global Warming Essay

Our planet has experienced many changes in its climate from day 1 of creation up to the present. Today, we are faced with issues concerning global warming or the average increase of temperature of Earth’s atmosphere. What causes global warming leads researchers to identify natural conditions and manmade activities that cause this phenomenon (U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2008). Land degradation is being eyed as one of the contributing factors of global warming. By definition, it is the loss of the land productivity that could be permanently or temporarily (Stocking & Murnagham, 2000). Literature Review Land degradation has been a problem for a long time. Researches are done in order to find out the most applicable solution to the affected areas. Michael Stocking and Niamh Murnaghan, in 2000, had published â€Å"Land Degradation: Guidelines for Field Assessment. † This publication consists of 8 chapters. The authors have focus on the following areas: farmers’ perspective on land degradation, definition and causes, effects and consequences to land users, soil loss, effects to production, indicators of land degradation, and the benefits of conservation. Agencies such as the Canadian International Development Agency or CIDA, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the United Nations have promoted their awareness programs regarding land degradation and global warming. With the help of these agencies, people are gaining information about the effects of natural events and some human activities to the environment. Methodology This research is mainly based on information, researches, and readings from the Internet. I have chosen Web sites from reliable agencies such as U. S. EPA, CIDA, and the United Nations in order to acquire information about land degradation and global warming. Since the Internet is also known as the information superhighway, these agencies are successful in spreading their researches and making the public aware of the increasing effect of global warming to our environment. Data Analysis California is just one of the States that promotes rainforest conservation to lessen the effect of global warming by reducing emissions from deforestation and land degradation or REDD. REDD is an state-to-state sub-national agreement that aims to promote improved forest management practices and reforestation. The parties involved in this agreement have signed the Memorandum of Understanding on 18 November 2008. (Mongabay. com, 2008) In Canada, CIDA has led the promotion to reverse the effects of land degradation. CIDA works with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification or UNCCD. CIDA’s efforts to reverse the effects include: tree planting, sustainable irrigation, and environmental monitoring among others. (Land Degradation, CIDA, 2008) Results The effects of land degradation to Earth’s climate were not observed immediately. Now, the effects of global warming are increasingly being noticed. We have experienced El Nino and La Nina and heard news about the melting of ice in the Arctic. The processes done to counteract the effects could also take longer time before we could see the results. Discussion When the soil lost its productivity due to land degradation, trees and plants could not thrive on it. Add to this phenomenon the continuous illegal logging and deforestation activities could lead to decreased numbers of planted trees and plants. When the number of planted trees and plants continue to lessen, few trees and plants could absorb carbon dioxide, the gas that contributes to global warming due to excessive production. Carbon dioxide traps heat. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to an abnormal increase in the temperature of the atmosphere, thus the occurrence of global warming. The common causes of land degradation are overgrazing, deforestation, and pollution. There is a human factor in these causes. We are responsible to what is happening in our climate now. As we wait for the results of the present actions concerning global warming. It’s best to help in our own simple ways on how to prevent land degradation. One is to help promote the advocacies of the concerned agencies. Conclusion Global warming is a reality. The effects of it are tremendous and detrimental. Should global warming continue to worsen, Earth and all its tenants are in grave danger. Public awareness of the effects of global warming is deemed necessary. We are the ones who have triggered the ignition of global warming. We should also be the ones to trigger the solution. Works Cited â€Å"California Joins Effort to Fight Global Warming by Saving Rainforests. † Mongabay. com. 19 November 2008. 25 November 2008 â€Å"Climate Change. † Canadian International Development Agency. 24 October 2008. 27 November 2008 â€Å"Climate Change. † U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2008. 27 November 2008 â€Å"Land Degradation. † Canadian International Development Agency. 23 July 2008. 25 November 2008 Stocking, M. & Niamh Murnagham. â€Å"Land Degradation: Guidelines for Field Assessment. † PLEC Databases. 2000. 25 November 2008

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Comparison of Wilfred Owen Poems Essay

Wilfred Owen is a twentieth century poetry writer who was born in Oswestry in Shropshire. In 1915 he enlisted fighting on the western front. During a spell in the Craglockhart hospital he met Seigfried Sassoon who encouraged him to develop his poetry. Owens’s poems are amongst the most famous and poignant of the war. He died in1918 trying to cross the Sambre canal. From his work I will analyse and study two poems. The poems which I have chosen are Dulce Et Decorum Est and Disabled. The reason why I decided to analyse these poems is because I felt that they both told a catastrophic and heartbreaking story of what war was really like. Both of these poems were written at a time when Wilfred Owen seemed to be bitter, some may say disenchanted by the whole situation. Arguably his most famous poem, ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’, is a fine example of his narrative, first-person poems, written through his own eyes and based on his own experiences and views of the war. I have chosen to describe Dulce Et because it shows the struggle of a group of people who have to overcome the most extraordinary events day in day out. I have chosen Disabled because it shows the struggle of one man who everyday contemplates his wasted life. All he has are the memories but they seem to become more distant as the days go on. Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patri Mori translated in to English means It Is Sweet And Honourable To Die For Ones Country. If someone is reading the poem for the first time and learns of the English meaning of the title before reading the poem they may feel it is a poem that represents the army in a positive way. However this assumption could not be further from the truth. After reading the poem a number of times I have come to a conclusion that Owen has titled this poem Dulce Et Decorum Est because of the strong statement that he makes in the poem. In a way I get the feeling that Owen was mocking the saying but I do not think he was mocking the army as a whole just that single principal. The soldiers are weighed down by all the things that they are carrying, perhaps they are even weighed down by the expectation of their country. Owen says, † Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs† The soldiers are exhausted and so tired that even when the flares go off behind them they do not have the energy to or even feel like turning around to see them. Owen describes the soldiers as being â€Å"Drunk with fatigue† He is saying that the soldiers are so tired that it is as though they are drunk. Owen is trying to say that the soldiers are as though they do not know entirely what they are doing. They are just being led along like zombies because they are inexperience and have no clue to what is happening. These men are but mere shadows of the bright vibrant people that started on this epic journey. The pace of the poem quickens in the second stanza. The soldiers are awoken by a gas attack. This effectively shatters the mood that Owen has told of us in the opening stanza. The soldiers are now awoken by the fact that their lives are in extreme danger and they now have to be fully aware of all their surroundings. Owen says, † Dim through the misty panes and thick green light, As under a green sea, I saw him drowning† The green light Owen talks of is the sight of toxic gas which they can see through their gas masks. Owen uses a simile saying that the man is drowning in a green sea. The reality of this is that the man is drowning in a sea of his own toxic blood. He tells us how this memory has stayed with him. The sickening sight of a man plunging at him. Owen seems to have a great fear of the gas attacks when he talks about them. He talks of all of the nightmares he has had because of the war and this event in particular He states, â€Å"In all my dreams before my helpless sight† The word ‘helpless’ shows that he could not do nothing to help that man apart from stare at him and feel sorry for him. He describes how the man was taken away and the narrator Owen walked behind and saw his face. Owen is still haunted by the nightmare. â€Å"We flung him in† The dead bodies are treated like meat there are so many deaths it becomes like a routine thing. He realises the horror that is standing behind the man who has been gassed to death. â€Å"My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory.† Owen is saying that if you could see the horrific events he had seen then you would not believe the lie. By saying this he is expressing the bitterness he has not only for the army but the situation as a whole. He believes that the army has portrayed the life of a soldier at war as being heroic and exciting but in real life it is the complete opposite. Owen adds more examples of this throughout the last stanza for example he says, â€Å"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth coming-corrupted lungs,† In this quote he describes the situation that the men where in and how their lungs were pumping out blood instead of air. Owen is trying to make the reader understand that the war was told to be very fascinating and an intriguing experience but in reality that is far from the truth. Owens main question to the reader in the last stanza is before going into the army think carefully about what you are doing as you might experience something in great contrast to what you may have imagined. The poem is describing a terrible shocking death by gas, how can it be sweet and honourable to die for ones country if you die like this. This is the country that sold him the old lie. â€Å"Dulce et decorum Est pro patri mori.† In the poem ‘Disabled’ Owen is describing someone that he knew in the army. This man was in the Scottish regiment, He has had his leg blown up when he was fighting in the war. His disability is extremely severe, because he has no legs and his arms are sewn at the elbow. He has to be dependant on other people to feed him, clothe him and wash him. He is in an institute, a nursing home of some sort. He wants very much to be in the dark because then everything will be quiet. He is sick and tired with life and is waiting to die. He hears voices of boys singing, these are voices of people playing just as he had once played. He talks about the evenings. He says that at this time the towns atmosphere was fun and happy everyone is dancing having fun. He is very sad that he will never again experience this. He says the girls look upon him like he has some kind of disease. He talks of how he will never again feel the waist of a woman, he also talks about how he, â€Å"threw away his knees in the war†. This quote is a metaphor and it means that his leg got blown up during the war and it does not mean that he literally threw his knees in the war. This type of literary device is used so that the poet could compare one object with another directly instead of using like and as. In the third verse Owen describes the effects after war and how your appearance could change drastically. He says, â€Å"For it was younger than his youth, last year. Now, he is old; his back will never brace.† Owen is trying to show that this person went to the war very young and now as he has came back he is so old that he can not even support his own back. Owen is showing the truth about war and that you do not become heroes when you come back from war instead you become unpopular and hated by people. His negative opinion about war becomes even more apparent when he mentions the blood lost by many soldiers during war. â€Å"He’s lost his colour very far from here, Poured down shell-holes till the veins ran dry.† Owen portrays the war in a pessimistic way and tries to influence people to listen to what he is saying and that war is horrible because it could ruin many people’s lives He feels that he has given so much for his country and he does not get anything back in return instead many people do not even want to know him. â€Å"And leap of purple spurted from his thigh.† He loved his youth. When his leg had blown away a massive part of him was now missing. One time he saw blood down his leg from a football injury, he thought this was great. Now he has no leg. He wonders why he joined the army. He tries to impress people as they told him he would do well in the army. There were a couple of reasons why he signed up the first reason was that his dear Meg would be pleased of him and the second reason was that in those days men thought that if they went to fight in a war the ladies back home would find them more attractive and think of them as heroes. At the time he was not frightened of being afraid. Owen says â€Å"And no fears of fear have come yet† He had thoughts of all the swords and other weaponry that he would receive in the army. He felt very happy in handling all the sophisticated machinery. He had great thoughts of wearing the smart uniform and making those proud salutes. At this moment he had no worries about the war and what he would face but instead he imagines all the enjoyable aspects of war. This quote shows that the war in those days was portrayed as exciting and pleasurable and that no one was told about the injuries that happen during war. So I think this is why the person in this poem had no worries because he did not know the disastrous affects that could scare him for life. He thought that playing football was great, the buzz he got from the cheering. People thought of him as hero. He thought that people would cheer for him in the army, he wanted to be a hero in the army. He thinks of the army spirit, the pride in his unit. He tells about how he was given cheers and the noise of the drums as he leaves. He is so very optimistic. When he is brought back the cheers were not like the ones before the cheers are in contrast to what he imagined. This is ironic to him because he thought everyone will be proud of him and greet him with honour but it was the opposite of what he had expected. Only a few people cheered when he came back only one man inquired this man was the priest. This makes him feel in a way betrayed because he was told that you would become a hero after the war and that your family and friends will be proud and thrilled that you fought for your country. As you can see this is not true and many people ignore him because of his appearance. The man feels that what he has done has been of no use because nobody appreciates that he risked his life for the sake of his country. His final thought in the poem is one of total depression. He thinks that life is pointless. He is so helpless he can not go to bed without someone there to help him. He feels as though he only has a few years left. He wants to be put to death as he feels like he has and can do nothing that he feels will make his life tolerable and he feels as though nothing that he does or feels will make him feel his life is worth it. He feels as if he has been demoralised and disheartened by the people that he used to once know. As you can see from both poems they are very powerful. Each of the two poems make a statement. One difference between the poems is that Dulce Est. is a view on the army as a whole and describes the effects of the soldiers. With Disabled it is just a description of the turmoil of one person. One issue that I feel both poems, have in common is that they both talk about how the soldiers were lied to and how they were sold a lie. This is more true of Dulce Et because it shows that all the soldiers where told the lie but with Disabled it just shows that one man was told the lie. Because of this lie many soldiers were affected in Dulce Et and only one person from Disabled was affected by it. If a person wanted an example of army life was like for a platoon at its worst I would show them Dulce Et Decorum. If I was asked about a poem that describes a poem where a person can see how the war affected people. I would recommend the poem Disabled because as you can see, it has devastating after effects. Disabled is in my opinion the most emotional of the stories as it represents a mans struggle for his life. This man can offer nothing to his country now. He can not even offer himself something. His life is in total disarray and nothing in his life is worth living for. While the people in Dulce Et are still alive this mans souls has in effect died. He has lost his colour and can not get used to the fact of being unpopular. I find Dulce Et Decorum to be the most powerful of the two poems. My reasons are as follows, although Disabled is a very good, very powerful poem in it’s own right it only describes the view of one person in the army. I think that what makes Dulce Et so powerful is that Owen speaks for the masses in the army when he talks of the daily horrifying sights and regular attempts by the Germans to gas them. This poem realistically showed the horrifying events which occurred during war. Reading these poems can enlighten a person. At the moment many people around the world must be thinking that their lives are so stressful and are under extreme pressure. But their life is no way as stressful and pressurising as these young men must have gone through. These events can put many social problems into perspective. Everyday this man had to battle through endless pain and suffering in sake of their nation but is it worth it? Is risking your life worth it for your country? I believe that war should never be the solution to any problem and that many people should discourage war instead of encouraging it.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Revision Checklist for a Descriptive Paragraph

Revision Checklist for a Descriptive Paragraph Developing a paragraph through description is painting a verbal picture, says Esther Baraceros. This means creating impressions and images through words that appeal to the readers senses (Communication Skills I , 2005). After completing one or more drafts of a descriptive paragraph, use this eight-point checklist to guide your revision. Does your paragraph begin with a topic sentenceone that clearly identifies the person, place, or thing youre about to describe?(If youre not sure how to write a topic sentence, see Practice in Composing an Effective Topic Sentence.)In the rest of the paragraph, have you clearly and consistently supported the topic sentence with specific descriptive details?(For examples of how to do this, see Practice in Supporting a Topic Sentence With Descriptive Details.)Have you followed a logical pattern in organizing the supporting sentences in your paragraph?(For examples of organizational patterns commonly used in descriptive paragraphs, see Spatial Order, Model Place Descriptions, and Generals, and Exercises.)Is your paragraph cohesivethat is, have you clearly connected the supporting details in your paragraph and guided readers from one sentence to the next?(Cohesion strategies include the following: Using Pronouns Effectively, Using Transitional Words and Phrases, and Repeating Key Words a nd Structures.) Throughout the paragraph, have you chosen words that clearly, accurately, and specifically show readers what you mean?(For ideas about how to create  word pictures that can make your writing easier to understand and more interesting to read, see these two exercises: Writing With Specific Details and Arranging Specific Details in Sentences.)Have you read your paragraph aloud  (or asked someone to read it to you) to check for trouble spots, such as awkward phrasing or needless repetition?(For advice on polishing the language in your paragraph, see Practice in Cutting the Clutter and the Exercise in Eliminating Deadwood From Our Writing.)Finally, have you carefully  edited and  proofread your paragraph?(For advice on how to edit and proofread effectively, see our Checklist for Editing Paragraphs and Essays and Top 10 Proofreading Tips.) After completing these eight steps, your revised paragraph may look quite different from earlier drafts. Almost always that means you have improved your writing. Congratulations!ReviewHow to Write a Descriptive Paragraph

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

From Intern To Employee in 5 Steps

From Intern To Employee in 5 Steps Krystal Seecharan over at TalentEgg has some tips to get you off of the intern bench onto the full-time employee roster! Follow these 5 simple suggestions and let us know how it turns out! 1. Fake it until you make itIt’s normal to feel nervous or unsure about how to work yourself into an unfamiliar office culture. Start off simple and read any company guidelines you’re given ahead of time. Introduce yourself when appropriate, remember names, be polite, and smile when you pass people in the hallways. Maintain a professional and polished image and show your officemates you take this job seriously.2. NetworkA caveat to this suggestion is don’t be obnoxious. Don’t send your entire department a LinkedIn request on your second day in the office, don’t Facebook friend your boss and invite them to send you Candy Crush credits. But, be social enough that everyone knows who you are.Ask your supervisor if there are any other departments you can help out, if y ou’re curious about what they do. You’ll finish your internship with extra experience and bonus contacts at your company (these can come in really handy if your boss moves on. The last day of my publishing internship, my terrific supervisor left for a different publisher! Luckily I’d worked on a few outside projects and presented at some large group meetings so I was able to get an interview there after I graduated).3. Be open to constructive criticismThe way you signal your bosses that you’re mature enough for honest feedback is often by asking for it. Ask questions when you’re unsure or didn’t understand an instruction, and ask for an evaluation midway through your time as an intern. If they offer you some suggestions for improvement, don’t get defensive- be appreciative, and take it to heart. They’re doing you a favor even when they’re telling you something that’s hard to hear.4. Go beyond your job duties/requi rementsBring creativity and enthusiasm to work with you every day. Volunteer for extra projects and don’t shy away from seeing them all the way through. Odds are you will have to get coffee at some point, but do it with a smile and remember cream and sugar preferences.5. End on a high noteIf your internship program doesn’t already have a project or presentation structure in place, consider asking your boss if there’s something you could work on independently, like a mock proposal or business plan. It’ll leave a lasting impression and let you show off everything you’ve learned over the course of your time with the company. Be sure you send thank you notes to everyone you worked with, send out gracious LinkedIn requests, and never ever burn a bridge.Even if you don’t get hired on, you’ll have learned some valuable lessons about staying motivated and focused during the day-to-day routines of a workplace!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Social studies education & digital source materials Research Paper

Social studies education & digital source materials - Research Paper Example This helps to contribute to research and evaluation in the field of social studies and technology. Digital sources extend the learning experience beyond the traditional learning experience. This is because technology introduces students to activities in which skills and content are taught more meaningfully (Savage, Armstrong, & Potthoff, 2000). In order to achieve this, instructors need to understand and make sure that they respond to the needs of their students. Teachers can then design learning experiences that will challenge their students to make informed connections and this will in turn expand their knowledge (White, 2000). Teachers can come up with a variety of ways that may include digital sources to deliver a given concept. This is because the understanding capabilities of their students differ. In order to make learning more meaningful, they have to meet the needs of every student that may require them to go beyond the traditional learning techniques (Levstik & Tyson, 2008). One way in which technology can be applied in the social studies curriculum is by using digital sources similar to the ones found at the Virginia Center for Digital History. At the center, they have developed a series of digital history projects (Ross, 2006). The main aim being to develop high standard quality, properly researched and reliable history material for the website globally and deliver them to the general public, schools and historical societies among other institutions. The digital archive can also be found online through the Virginia Center for Digital History (Savage, Armstrong, & Potthoff, 2000). Students from all over the world can then access the primary information that is readily available online and use it to understand the importance of people and events that occurred in the past. This is because the site provides students with raw data at their disposal that can be manipulated and interpreted. Institutions can also use these

Thursday, October 31, 2019

How the book canterbury tales reflects its time Essay

How the book canterbury tales reflects its time - Essay Example All these experiences trained him to be a poet of men as he appeared eventually in the Canterbury Tales. In the Canterbury Tales he fixed up the spirit of his age for future generations to observe and appreciate. In the Canterbury Tales, Chaucer is almost silent about the very stirring historic and political events of his age (Phillips 27). Chaucer does of course casually refer to some of these events, but there is no full length treatment of any of them. The Peasant’s Revolt is referred to in the Nun’s Priest’s Tale. The Battles of Crecy and Poietiers are glanced at elsewhere. The allusion to the Black Death comes in Chaucer’s character sketch of the Doctor of Physic in the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. There is then a latent reference to Lollardism in the delineation of the Poor Parson who like a Lollard believed in simple living and high thinking. Chaucer’s subtlety with the treatment of historical events could be attributed to his concern as a poet, with the dateless and universal aspects of human nature. The Canterbury Tales gives us a fairly authentic and equally extensive picture of the socio-political conditions prevailing in England in the age of Chaucer (Schoeck & Taylor 31).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Demonstrate Enhanced Self Awerness, Interpersonal and Self-Managment Essay

Demonstrate Enhanced Self Awerness, Interpersonal and Self-Managment Skills When Establishing and Maintaining Professional and T - Essay Example Prior to conclusion, the student will reflect on his/her personal skills and highlight one action point for each that will benefit you in maintaining professional and therapeutic relationship. Literature Review The process of establishing a strong nurse-patient relationship could result from a constant or regular interplay or covert negotiation between the nurse and the patients until both parties are able to reach a mutual and satisfying relationship (Morse, 1991). Depending on the time spent between the nurses and the patients, nurses are expected to build trust and meet the individual needs of each patient. According to Morse (1991), nurses who are not willing or failed to commit themselves to the patients would end up forming a unilateral relationship rather than a nurse-patient relationship. ... Caring is the central force when developing nurse-patient relationship that aims to protect the patient’s dignity (Kozier et al., 2004, p. 72; Astedt-Kurki et al., 2007). Therefore, developing trust between the nurse and the patient is important (Yamashita and Mound, 2005). For nurses to be able to successfully perform the seven nursing roles (i.e. the stranger role, resource role, teaching role, counselling role, surrogate role, leadership role, and technical expert role) in caring for the patients, Peplau emphasizes the need for nurses to communicate and be a good listener to the patient (Courey et al., 2008). For example, by listening to the specific needs and personal experiences of the patients, the nurses will be able to have a better understanding on how they should provide caring and treatment to the patients without causing any unnecessary internal conflict between the two parties involved (Di Joseph and Cavendish, 2005). Communication skills can affect the success or failure of a nurse-patient relationship. Therefore, nurses should be aware of their choices of words, sentence structure, and tone of voice (Kozier et al., 2004, p. 427). In most cases, patients who are emotionally happy and satisfied with the development of nurse-patient relationship are more open in revealing their emotions with the nurses (Astedt-Kurki et al., 2007). Once the patient is able to share his personal experiences with the nurses, the nurses will have more opportunity to communicate with the patients and be able to provide them with the comfort they need to be able to cope with their health status. As part of strengthening the relationship between the nurses and patients, Tveiten and Severinsson (2006) revealed that a

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Central Symbol In John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums

Central Symbol In John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums In the short story The Chrysanthemums, John Steinbeck uses the chrysanthemums as the central symbol to help the reader understand the storys plot and recognize the emotions and thoughts of the main character. Elisa Allen is an intelligent hard working woman who is unhappy and unfulfilled with her life. Her frustration arises from her husband who does not admire her as a woman and from not having mothered a child. She has a flower garden where she grows and takes care of beautiful chrysanthemums which are the only outlet for her frustration and her emptiness. The chrysanthemums in this story illustrate plenty to the reader about Elisas struggle to finding herself and fulfilling herself as a woman. Steinbeck uses the flower throughout his story to symbolize his main characters thoughts and ideas. Elisa relates herself to these chrysanthemums and her frustration is evident when she is first introduced in this story. She is a lonely, discontented woman. Her husband is always busy working in their farm, he does not pay any attention to her or her needs as a woman. She discovers an outlet for her dissatisfaction in a garden where she cultivates beautiful chrysanthemums. She takes refuge in her chrysanthemums, which symbolize herself. Steinbeck uses these lovely yet hardy flowers as a symbol to represent the soft spirit of Elisa. The chrysanthemums symbolize Elisa as well as the limitations and restrictions of her life. One can clearly see the hostility in their relationship yet she comes out as an emotionally strong woman. Elisa stiffened and her face grew tight. Henry stopped short and looked at her. Why-why, Elisa .You look so nice! Nice? You think I look nice? What do you mean by nice? Henry blundered on I dont know. I mean you look different strong and happy. I am strong? Yes, strong. (Steinbeck 218). It clearly shows her strength of mind here. Elisa took great care of their flowerbed and like her house, it was neat and carefully ordered. Elisa relates herself to the flowers and as a reader we can see that she becomes one with the plants when she tends to them. She does not feel appreciated and is neglected, but still has enough to give herself to the care of her chrysanthemums. These flowers symbol how beautiful she really is and how she wants to be seen. Steinbeck lets the reader discover that the chrysanthemums are a part of Elisa. Elisas chrysanthemums also represent children that she does not have. Nurturing and taking care of these flowers satisfies her barren maternal instincts. The care she tends her garden with symbolizes her desire to look after children. The reader gets the feeling that they are her children and she looks after them like a mother. The chrysanthemums symbolize Elisas desire to be a mother and her children as well. She takes care of her garden and handles the chrysanthemums with a lot of love and attention just as she would tend to her own children. Elisa is very protective of her flowers and yet very proud to show them off like any mother would have been. She spread the leaves and looked down among the close-growing stems. No aphids were there, no sow bugs or snails or cutworms. Her terrier fingers destroyed such pests before they could get started (Steinbeck 212). She feels these insects will harm her flowers so she removes them before they can do any damage. Just as any good mother she does not want to see her children get hurt and she is happy and pleased to nurture these beautiful flowers. Elisas pride to grow such beautiful chrysanthemums show that the flowers in some ways replace for the fact that she has no children. The reader also sees that when the tinker praises her garden she swells with pride, almost feeling like she herself, and her children are being admired. The blossoming of these flowers to Elisa is like her own children shinning. These flowers clearly symbolise her needs as a woman, her need to be a mother and how she feels. In conclusion, we can understand that John Steinbeck uses many symbols in The Chrysanthemums. Elisas garden and the chrysanthemums all symbolize different phases of her life. The use of symbols in this story plays an important role in the readers understanding of the plot. Imagery and symbolism are well placed throughout the story to help explain Elisas feelings, her deepest fears and desires. They also establish the chrysanthemums as a direct extension of herself. After reading this short story one must wonder if Elisa will continue to live this discontented and unhappy lifestyle or will she finally blossom like one of her chrysanthemums?