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Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Decisive Battle

The Decisive Battle Today, of all days, in Jonestown, PA, eight members of my family bore witness to the ultimate showdown between Turkey and Spam. Despite a two-hour food coma immediately after dinner, I think its pretty safe to say that I emerged victorious. I wanted to turn the turkey carcass into usable fuel, of course, but Aunt Jen got to it first and made some stock instead. Not quite as environmentally-friendly, but probably a little more appetizing. Unless, of course, you believe the twelfth or so verse of We Are The Engineers: An artist and an Engineer had found a gallon can. Said the artist, Match me drink for drink and see if youre a man. They took three drinks, the artist fell, his face was turning green; But the Engineer drank on and said, Its only gasoline. Thrilling phototravelography and whatnot forthcoming. Now, back to Henrys Law. Happy Thanksgiving everybody! I hope you enjoyed your turkey, or if you did not have a turkey I hope you enjoyed acorn squash or something because tofurkey just creeps me out.

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